Saturday, 27 December 2014

Weekly Post (Ashley)

Hello all!

Unfortunately I don't have much to show for this week... I've got a couple concept designs I'm hoping to further develop and I've spent a sizable amount of time designing some characters for a picture book but nothing really to show for it unfortunately. But here's what I have done:

Quite a while I got into the whole animie-ish style and decided to give it a try again. Here's some progress shots as I went. However It started to go a bit pear-shaped after a while...

Initial sketch. Doesn't look to bad at this point.

Outlined the character. Still not quite what I wanted it to be

And after a coat of pencil lead. If I were to do it again I would pick a different palette for sure. and just some little things every here and there really bug me about it... for instance the sword hilt is really off from where its supposed to be. But overall; lessons were learnt :p

Unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to post anything next Sunday as I'll be off too Timbuck-Too for the week.  I'll either post some material early or extra material when I get back :)

Also and more importantly; I've heard of interest being shown by potential guest artists from my college Tim, but unfortunately he doesn't have the time to post the material. So if you're interested in having your work posted please contact me at or +Ashley Pot . We'd be happy to post your art for you :)

have a great week :)


Saturday, 20 December 2014

Featured Artist: Jackie

We now have our first featured artist! :D Jackie has kindly allowed us to post some of her work on our blog :)

"Hi, I'm Jackie! As an artist, I am inspired by sad lyrics and an overactive brain. The bulk of my drawing is done during school hours (*gasp* the horror!) and on the bus. Lately I've been experimenting with a combination of drawing and photo editing apps, such as Afterlight, Aviary, and A Beautiful Mess - they're great starting points, especially if you just like to dabble!"

If you want to see more of her work you can find her at +Jackie vdS on Google + and jackievds98 on Instagram. 

Anyway; to the art :p
 A cute little badger :D wish I could draw little animals like this :3

A really cool way to present a quote. I find art like this is a great way to emphases on specific words :) 

My kind of cartoon style :) reminds me a lot of adventure time :D

Some experimentation using filters by the looks of things. Pretty interesting; I'm thinking of giving it a try myself :)

This is probably my favorite. I have no idea how she did this and made it look so good :) the lettering looks great!

Thanks to +Jackie vdS for letting us post her art! We really appreciate it :) If you're interested yourself or know someone else who may be interested in being featured on our blog please contact us! we love to keep a bit of diversity among the art we post and Tim and I can't keep it up ourselves :P

I personally haven't done much in the past week.. but I do have some ideas I'm planning on working on :) Depending how that goes I might do a mid week post.

Have a great a week guys :)


Saturday, 13 December 2014

Weekly Post (Ashley)

Hello all!

After many tedious hours, I have finally finished my floral skull graphic :D over twenty hours went into this and I'm quiet pleased with the result :) Tell me what you think :D

And I have some exiting news! It took a while but Disparity is now on RedBubble! for those who don't know, RedBubble is a website where people can post photos, art, graphics, etc. and then sell them to the international public. RedBubble allows for artist's work to be printed on t-shirts, canvas, bags, pillows and even bedding.

 If you've never heard of it before and you're interested, I suggest taking a look:

and the link to Disparity's RB account:

Disparity is also still looking for guest artists. If you're interested in having your work featured on our blog please ask! We'd be happy post your art for you :)

Also feel free to leave requests! I can't speak on behalf of Tim, but I'd love to draw something up for someone; perhaps even turn into a graphic! So if you have any ideas, please leave them in the comments :)

have a great week guys :)


Sunday, 7 December 2014

Weekly Post (Ashley)

Hey guys :)

Sorry its a day late; but here is my weekly post :) I wasn't home for the weekend only just got back late last night.

and unfortunately I don't have much to show :( I did do some more work on the skull graphic, though that is proving to take longer then I'd like...

Progress on the skull graphic :) Really not 100% happy with the color of the leaves; I think I might redo them all which will take a while. BUT I am determined to finish this in the next few weeks.

The concept and the final product of a simple dragon graphic. Pretty easy and didn't take to long but I'm happy with the outcome :)

And a little something I put together as request of my sister. She wanted something she could print onto a t-shirt and gave me a few pointers; and this is what I came up with. The text is all just recolored or re textured but the pineapple was made by hand in power point (which ended up taking ALOT longer then it should have).

In the following weeks I'm actually considering having 'guest artists' on the blog. That was the original idea from the get-go but I haven't got around to it yet. So if your interested, please let me and Tim know via email, message, etc. and we'll be happy to post your art :)
